Arms Control Wonk

The DPRK just launched a looooong range missile. According to podfriend Ankit Panda, it went farther, higher, and farther than the July 4th Hwasong-14 launch (with a data refresher here, courtesy of noted seersucker suit aficionado Shea Cotton)

Jeffrey and Aaron knock out a snap episode with very first reactions to a launch that literally happened while we were working on an Iranian pod. 



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Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

The second half of yesterday's Banning the Bomb III. Make sure to listen to that one first. 
122 countries just adopted the Treaty banning nuclear weapons, in the same week that North Korea tested an ICBM. 
AndreaGaukhar, and Beatrice Fihn from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons continue their discussion of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty) and talk about what made the cut for the final treaty, debate some of the implications, and states sitting on their arsenals. 
Links and Documents of Note:
Revised texts of the working groups (held on 30 June) are available at: 
Text which incorporates working group proposals, and which was circulated to capitals on 3 July 2017, as Kim Jong Un was smoking his pre-launch cigarette:
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Category:general -- posted at: 9:34am EDT